Wouldn’t you name a woman after a woman? It’s as simple as that! Boats are usually referred to as a ‘she’ as if they are feminine. Yes, it is quite surprising but when asked, old pirates and sailors would answer saying that a boat is just as unpredictable as a woman, which is why they are referred to as a ‘she’. Don’t believe the pirates, but here are some real reasons to know why you are supposed to name a boat after a woman.
Hail the Goddess!

Your luck is extremely important while you surf the seas. For this very purpose, old sailors would dedicate their ships to Goddesses who were supposed to protect the ship and those in it. By naming the ship after a goddess, seamen felt blessed to begin their voyages on a positive note.
As everything on the waters remains at the hands of sea and tides, to feel safer and to have blessings of Goddesses for your journeys, it has been an age-old tradition to name the boats upon some goddess, especially a female deity related to the sea.
Emotional connection
Historically speaking, pirates and sailors usually spent at least half of their lifetime on their boats. So their emotional connection to their ships was as intense as it was with the females in their lives. They liked to believe that the spirit of their ships is female and they treated her the same way. This is another reason why boats are named after women. If you too are trying to find a perfect lady love, do check here to explore some amazing options.
Well of course, nowadays boats and ships are purchased only as a pastime but you should still have a strong connection with your ships before you entrust your lives to them.
Some people also prefer to just dock the ships and relax on them.
In loving memories

Although we’re past the old traditions now, most of the men like to name their boats after some of the important women in their lives. Some people also like to name ships after great women who have made history in the name of their success and as a token of remembrance.
Naming the ship over a beloved wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, or even after any other family member is quite common these days. You should name these precious possessions after the people close to your heart. It will give you a feeling of being with them while you sail the ships.
Motherly Instincts
A boat is rightly likened to a mother. If you think about it, they are pretty much similar to mothers, aren’t they? While you are on the sea, you are actually in the boat and she takes care of you until you safely reach your destination. Throughout the journey, she protects you from the waves, wind, storms, and much more.
Their tendency to take on the waves and protect their children within the womb likens to the motherly instincts of women. Their vessel acts like a warm womb, protective of its children. This is why boats are viewed as a portrayal of women and should be named after women.
Hands down to nature

As you remain at the mercy of Mother nature on the sea, to please the feminine nature, it is a warm gesture to name your boats after women. It shows your respect towards the feminine. So you are supposed to name your boats after a female which appeases mother nature to make your journey a happy and enjoyable one.
In the early periods, sailors would often decorate the bows of the ships with female icons. This was not only to ward off evils but also to let others see that a ship is approaching from far away.
High Maintenance
Now that is a word that you might relate to all the women in your life, isn’t it? Well, that is another reason why boats are compared to women. They need extremely high maintenance. They require constant servicings and you cannot neglect even a small damage.
Boats don’t work like cars. You cannot wait for service until the last minute. If you get a puncture in the sea, no mechanic is going to help you there! That’s why, even if you don’t sail out regularly, it is required to keep your boat in working condition and well maintained.
Difficult to handle!

As true as it is for women, it suits the ships as well. Those who sail would know how difficult it is to control a ship in adverse situations. Even under normal conditions, there is so much to look out for. This attribute of the ships is also compared to that of women. Their unpredictable nature and uncontrollable behavior need to be tamed by somebody.
It is not just about having the right training for controlling the ships. Ships always tend to go along with the flow, even if the flow is taking them to the wrong side! There is a unique way to tackle each ship and that requires a lot of practice. And who knows? Even if you do everything right, something might still go wrong!
Old habits
Old habits of the old English are also responsible for the femininity of ships. Evidence suggests that earlier English language also had a wide spectrum to its grammatical genders and cases quite similar to what German and French have. However, with the evolution and globalization of language, it attained more of a standard form leaving behind the unnecessary genders.
However, the words boat or ship originated from the Latin word ‘navis’ which is female. Hence, even the technical evidence suggests that the boat is a female and should be named after a woman!
Final words
Boats indeed are most of the time owned and loved by men. To make a perfect companion to them, we have female boats and ships. You don’t have to trust the superstitions, just name them after a woman and trust the process! After all, they are as protective as your mothers!